Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Simple Steps To Boost Your Metabolism And Burn More Fat

Burn More Fat
Hate dieting? You're not alone.  If there's one thing most people dread more than anything, cutting calories is it. But, if you want to lose weight and tone up your body, you know that you must consume fewer calories each day than you burn off.  Now, rather than focusing on continually decreasing your calorie intake, how about you focus on the other element of that equation – increasing your daily output?

This is a far more effective and enjoyable way to lose weight and if you go about it in the right manner, will produce superior results as well.   If you use the follow simple tips you can quickly increase your metabolic rate, which is what determines how many calories you body burns off daily.

Get it revved up to very high levels and you'll be able to eat more food and still see the weight loss you're looking for.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Visceral Versus Subcutaneous Fat: Understanding The Differences And Its Implications For You

Visceral Fat
As you go about your fat loss diet program, there's no question that your primary goal is to reduce that unsightly body fat that you have on your body. You know the stuff – the jiggly tissue that occurs under your arms, on your lower abdomen, as well as in the inner and back thigh region, all places that you feel are definitely your primary 'trouble zones'.

But, in your quest to cure these trouble spots, one thing that you should consider for a second is the fact that often this body fat isn't really the biggest of your worries.  What is more troublesome is the body fat that you don't even see.

Let's go into further details on this topic so that you can gain a clear understanding of the types of body fat on your body as well as the implications of each.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

5 Easy Exercises To Target The Tummy

slim the tummy
If you're looking to start up a workout program to slim the tummy and get rid of your love handles, performing the right exercises will be key.  By fully challenging all the muscles surrounding the core region, you can see better fat burning benefits and really get that toned look that you're going for.

Unfortunately though, many women spend far too much time on exercises that won't deliver, which is why it's definitely worth your time and effort to learn those that will.  By including the following five exercises in your program more often, you will see much faster progress.